Music Council of the Arab World
Altough a Music Council of the Arab World does not yet exist as such, a MOU was signed in 2013 and gives the mandate to the Arab Academy of Music to act as regional music council and to develop a membership stategy to bring a Music Council of the Arab World into life.
The AAM is a specialised body of the League of Arab States that concerns itself with the various aspects of music throughout the Arab World. Specifically, the AAM Articles of Association define the Academy’s mission as “developing and universalising music teaching and disseminating music culture, collecting and preserving the legacy of Arab music, (and) fostering and promoting Arab instrumental and vocal production.”
It also concerns itself with the following specialised fields: music research, studies, planning, education, information and criticism, as well as the various musical professions, the role of music in the communication and programming media, and the manufacture of instruments. The AAM congresses usually provide an opportunity for dialogue and networking among the Arab states vis-à-vis their achievements in the field of music in general and Arab music in particular.